Lora's family web-page Puppies About us Our dogs News Photos Links Contacts

We always wished to have a dog! Big dog! Big and shaggy! But we wished it very quietly because we couldn't want a dog because of a disgusting word "allergy".



We lived three years in our own house and our "dogs wish" refused to sit silently. And then, it has appeared that mum ALSO WANTS the DOG! It was improbable! And it has then appeared that the father KNOWS, which dog all of us want - Berner sennenhund, father always dreamed about such dog, but didn't hope at all to get it sometime. And here, in the end of August 2009 on a family council it has been solved – we GET the BERNER SENNENHUND!!!

We have called in some kennels where were puppies, have read some articles, were going to go to the breeder, but suddenly we have seen HER in the Internet, on a site of animals who need help.

Here is this photo.


Anybody couldn't pass by, these are the most beautiful eyes on the world, really?


And here, on September, 7th, 2009 Lora has arrived home and has absolutely reversed our life.


And in three days mum has written in Lora's diary:

«Here a third day in the house of improbable atmosphere reigns, all love each other, and Lora (as it seems to us) tries not to be afraid to love all of us. She starts to get used to new life, to long walks three times a day (we too), to a garden which belongs definitely to hert. She tries to understand new rules, searches "for borders reasonable ". For us is more tremendous, how much she is understanding for us. To everything that she does, there is a reason. She communicates with us on clear to us language. She understands words, intonations, gestures and moods. She is very-very obedient. She is very attentive-is tactful to children and is accurate with them as if understands a difference in weight categories. She is playful, as a small puppy. She is surprising, as quickly she becomes ours. And still, she is so beautiful! She is necessary to become only worthy owners of this clear head and the beauty simultaneously. We will try!»

So we are five -

and we always seems so

or so (it depends on who has camera)

We still travel, as before




And still, we know now that does it mean - dog-shos, handling, grooming, obidience etc. - in general have learned many new words and have opened for ourself the whole new dog world.

In two words, , it is a site about our new «the dog life».